
5´ End-Seq Kit and Data Analysis


Quantity: 8 rxns

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    Reveal 5′ UTR Landscape and Transcription Start Site Usage genome-wide

    5′ End-Seq facilitates active transcript 5´ end detection, enrichment and mapping, and identifies known and
    novel transcription start sites (TSS) at single nucleotide resolution by next generation sequencing.

    • Define 5′ UTR Landscape: Genome-wide detection of known and novel transcription start sites
    • Single Nucleotide End Resolution: Transcription start sites are detected with single nucleotide resolution
    • Identify Alternative Promoters: 5′ End-Seq detects alternative promoters for all endogenous genes
    • High Throughput and Robust Workflow
    • High Reproducibility with accurate data
    • Unbiased with high specificity

    The transcription start site (TSS) is the location of transcription initiation at the 5′ end of a gene sequence. Knowledge of the exact position of a TSS of an RNA molecule is crucial for the identification of regulatory regions immediately flanking it.
    End-Seq facilitates precise UTR identification for RNA therapeutics targeting and can be used as a tool for identifying UTR biomarkers associated with disease. 5′ End-Seq can quantify the relative usage of TSS across samples and indicates transcript isoform presence in annotated transcriptomes. Defining the 5′ UTR with End-Seq can also help predict binding factor motifs more reliably.

    5′ End-Seq Workflow
    Total RNA is enriched for poly(A)+ mRNAs. Poly(A)+ mRNAs are heat fragmented and subsequently 5’ phosphorylated using PNK enzyme, which only uses uncapped molecules as substrate. The phosphorylated mRNA fragments are then digested by exonuclease, leaving behind only mRNA fragments with 5’-caps present. Those are used to prepare an RNA-seq library covering highly enriched sense-strand mRNA 5´ end fragments.

    Sample Input: >3 ug Total RNA (>0.1 ug/ul), RIN >7
    Sequencing Recommendations: 10-15M reads (SE100) on Illumina

    Kit contents:

    – mRNA purification reagents
    – all enzymes and buffers for enrichment of 5´end mRNA fragments
    – all enzymes, buffers, adapters and primers for stranded mRNA-seq library amplification and preparation

    The kit enables the user to prepare 8 high quality 5´end mRNA enriched RNA-seq libraries, ready for sequencing on Illumina.

    The Eclipse BioInnovations 5´End-Seq Data Analysis Package includes using Fastq files of the raw sequencing reads provided by you. You will receive an HTML report detailing the following data: Single Nucleotide 5´End Read Coverage Bedgraph, Single Nucleotide 5´End Calls BED, Filtered Single Nucleotide 5´End Calls (false positive 5´ends are filtered out bioinformatically).

    Shipping Conditions: Dry Ice
    Storage Temperature: -20C