
Custom Pooled Lentiviral sgRNA Library, 7K


Quantity: 500 ug

    Please contact us for a quotation



    In addition to Cellecta´s premade genome-wide CRISPR libraries, Cellecta also can generate Custom CRISPR sgRNA Pooled Libraries of any size in as little as 6 weeks.The 7k custom library features 3501-7000 sgRNAs.
    Custom sgRNA libraries for CRISPR knockout, CRISPRa, and CRISPRi with any guide and tracrRNA sequences desired (standard, HEAT-optimized, 10X capture sequences, etc.) can be ordered. Libraries can be provided in plasmid and pre-packaged ready-to-transduce formats. You can choose from multiple vector backbones, including inducible and RNA-seq barcode containing sgRNA expression vectors. Cellecta has over 12 years experience making high quality pooled shRNA, barcode, and sgRNA libraries.

    Shipping Conditions: Blue Ice
    Storage Temperature: -20C