Lentiviral ORF Expression Constructs

Gain of protein function studies in any cell line, in non-dividing cells, and in vivo:

• Stable protein overexpression of individual proteins and variants

• Pooled or arrayed overexpression screens

• RNAi and CRISPR Knock-out rescue experiments

• Structural, functional, and localization analysis of proteins

• Biochemical protein purification workflows

• Protein-Protein Interaction studies by co-immunoprecipitation

Premade and customized lentiviral overexpression constructs:

LentiORF Human Clone Collection

The CCSB LentiORF Collection comprises 13579  clones representing 11373 human genes – ready to order:

Gene Synthesis Service

Custom Lentiviral ORF Constructs 

Send us your Custom Lentiviral Expression Vector Request for any ORFs of interest, including protein variants if desired –

we deliver the synthesized ORFs in the lentiviral vector of your choice for constitutive or inducible protein expression