Cellecta Custom Pooled Lentiviral sgRNA Libraries for CROP-seq on any single cell platform in pScribe Vector – any targets, any sgRNA design
Our partner Cellecta will generate your Custom CRISPR sgRNA Pooled Library in the CROP-Seq (aka Perturb-Seq, CRISP-seq) designed vector pScribe in as little as 6 weeks.
An sgRNA expression cassette is inserted into the 3’-region of an expressed selection marker gene on Cellecta´s pRSGScribe1 vector. The guide RNA is expressed near the poly-A+ tail of a standard mRNA transcript so it is reverse-transcribed and detectable in the cDNA generated as part of the RNA-seq protocol. pRSGScribe1 enables you to perform your CROP-Seq screening experiments on any single cell platform and is available either with an sgRNA-only expression cassette or an sgRNA-barcode expression cassette enabling clonal tracking.
sgRNA libraries can be provided in plasmid and pre-packaged ready-to-transduce formats.
Custom sgRNA libraries in pScribe for CRISPR knockout, CRISPRa, and CRISPRi with any guide RNA sequences can be ordered. Cellecta has over 15 years experience making high quality pooled shRNA, barcode, and sgRNA libraries, and will deliver sgRNA designs tailored to your needs. In case you like Cellecta to synthesize and clone already designed sgRNAs we can accomodate this as well.
Note: For special sgRNA requirements, a design fee may apply. Please contact us for more details.
Cellecta Custom Pooled Lentiviral CROP-Seq sgRNA Library Deliverables:
• 500 ug plasmid DNA containing 501-2500 pooled lentiviral custom sgRNA constructs
• NGS Data featuring the quality controlled distribution of all synthesized sgRNA sequences in the pool