
LentiORF Select Custom Lentiviral ORF Construct (inducible, 3.5kb-5.0kb)


Quantity: glycerol stock

    Please contact us for a quotation



    Customized Lentiviral Expression-Ready ORF Clones for Gene Overexpression: LentiORF Select

    • Your CCSB LentiORFs of choice will be cloned in a lentiviral vector tailored for your needs
    • The final lentiviral constructs will be sequence validated and you receive glycerol stock and 10 ug plasmid DNA of each; lentiviral packaging services are offered optionally
    • We also offer gene synthesis or site directed mutagenesis and subsequent cloning in your vector of choice for any other ORFs which are not in the CCSB collection

    When you are interested in LentiORF clones from the CCSB Human LentiORF Clone Collection,  (download gene list here)  but you need a different promoter (constitutive or inducible), a fluorescent protein tag instead of a V5 tag, and/or a different resistance marker, use the LentiORF Select subcloning service – your ORFs of interest will be cloned in your vector backbone of choice! You will receive a glyerol stock and 10 ug plasmid DNA of each sequence validated final lentiviral custom construct, ready-to-use for gene over expression. Lentiviral Packaging Services are offered optionally.

    Please contact us to let us know the LentiORF clone IDs (download gene list here) harbouring the ORFs of inferest and name your vector of choice, and let us know if you are interested in lentiviral packaging services! We will be pleased to send you a quotation!

    In case you cannot find your gene or ORF variant of interest in the CCSB LentiORF Collection, we will be happy to offer gene synthesis and/or site directed mutagenesis services and cloning of the synthesized ORFs into the lentiviral vector of your choice! Please contact us for a quote!



    You receive a glycerol stock of each sequence validated construct.

    Shipment on gel packs.

    Store glycerol stock at –80C


    Shipping Conditions: Blue Ice
    Storage Temperature: -80C/-20C