ORFeome Collaboration Human ORF Clone Collection for Gene Overexpression
Arrayed Collection of Human ORF Clones for functional studies of the Human Proteome
• 16,581 individually arrayed ORF clones representing 9,804 human genes
• Full-length, well annotated and sequence verified ORFs
• Two subsets: ORFs with stop codons and ORFs without stop codons
• Constructed in Gateway® Entry vectors enabling transfer into any type of Gateway® compatible destination vector
The MGC premier human ORFeome Collaboration Library currently represents 9,804 genes with 16,581 clones. The majority of the ORFeome collaboration targets were generated by the Dana Farber Cancer Institute-Center for Cancer Systems Biology (DFCI-CCSB). These full-length, annotated and sequence verified ORFs originate from the existing collection of MGC premier full-length human cDNA clones and have been transferred into Gateway Entry vectors as a ready to use resource for recombinant protein expression. For additional convenience and versatility,
the ORF clones are available in two formats, with and without stop codons. The ORF clones without stop codons facilitate the synthesis of either C- or N- terminal fusion proteins and clones with stop codons enable the synthesis of native proteins in addition to N-terminal fusion proteins.
The ORFeome Collaboration Library is delivered as 96-well glycerol stock plates (with lids) – 198 plates total. Plates are sealed with aluminum sealing tape and are shipped on dry ice.
The plates should be stored at -80C upon arrival.