
NGS Low Input DNA Library Prep Kit (Illumina), with unique dual index primers & PCR reagents


Quantity: 192 rxns

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     Fast and convenient High Quality NGS Library Prep for DNA inputs as low as 1 ng

    • Fast: Hands-on time: 10 min, Total time: 1.5 hrs
    • Easy procedure
    • Ready-to-use master mix
    • Less reaction components
    • Less magnetic beads required: Reduced more than 50%
    • Guaranteed quality: Higher library conversion efficiency
    • Input DNA: From 1 ng to 400 ng

    The NGS Low Input DNA Library Prep Kit (illumina platform) was developed for construction of high quality NGS libraries with low input DNA amount from 1 ng to 400 ng. The kit allows scientists to study samples with limited DNA such as tumor samples, patient samples, and other specially collected samples (FACS sorting etc.). The kit has high library conversion efficiency with as little as 1 ng DNA input. The fast and simple 1.5-hour protocol makes libraries with even coverage and low GC-bias based on BioDynami´s unique chemistry for DNA end-polishing and adaptor addition.

    The kit needs double strand DNA fragments (blunt and/or sticky) as input DNA for NGS library preparation, and is compatible with DNA fragments generated from both enzymatic approach and mechanical approaches such as sonication and nebulization etc. Library multiplexing is possible with different types of indexes.

    With BioDynami’s unique DNA library preparation technologies, the fast and simple NGS DNA Library Prep Kit allows high quality NGS library preparation to be completed in 1.5 hours with only 10 minutes of hands-on time.

    Standard beads purification can be used to clean the constructed libraries after the library prep and subsequent PCR amplification step. The optimized beads purification step not only reduces the working time, but also decreases more than half of the beads amount needed.

    Different Kit versions are available as follows:

    Non-index (Cat.# 30022): Libraries do not have index.

    Index (Cat.# 30024): Each of our index primers contains a unique barcode sequence with 6 bases that can be used to identify libraries. Library multiplexing up to 48 samples is possible.

    Unique dual index (Cat.# 30025): Library multiplexing up to 96 samples is possible with unique dual indexes. We have developed a 4-Base Difference Index System. The system allows us to make indexes that have at least 4 bases different from each other in the 8 bases index length. Our unique dual indexing primers remove sequencing errors such as index hopping, index cross-contamination, mis-assignment of reads, amplification errors, and de-multiplexing errors. The primer set includes 96 pre-mixed unique pairs of i5 and i7 index primers in a 96-well plate

    Shipping Conditions: Dry Ice
    Storage Temperature: -20C