The CleanPlex Hereditary Cancer NGS Panel v2 for Illumina® or Ion Torrent™ is a multiplex PCR-based targeted resequencing assay designed for analyzing genes associated with an increased risk of developing hereditary cancers. The panel is expertly curated using the latest research findings to target 37 genes and both single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and insertion-deletion mutations (indels).
• Up-to-date Gene Content – Interrogate 37 genes associated with cancers of the breast, ovary, uterus, skin, prostate, and gastrointestinal system, including rs12516 and rs8176318 in BRCA1 and Boland inversion in MSH2
• Fast, Streamlined Workflow – Generate sequencing-ready libraries in just 3 hours using a rapid, three-step protocol
• Superb Performance – Prepare high-quality NGS libraries using CleanPlex Technology to enable efficient use of sequencing reads and reduce costs
The CleanPlex® Hereditary Cancer Panel v2 is a targeted resequencing assay designed for analyzing genes associated with an increased risk of developing hereditary cancers. Associated cancer includes breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, etc. The panel is expertly curated using the latest research findings to target 37 genes and both single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and insertion-deletion mutations (indels). Furthermore, it also detects hotspot mutations rs12516 and rs8176318 in the BRCA1 3’ UTR and structural rearrangement of exons 1-7 in MSH2 (Boland inversion). This panel is specifically designed to detect inherited mutations and is not appropriate for the detection of other types of mutations in acquired cancers. Starting with 20 ng of high-quality genomic DNA (10 ng per primer pool), sequencing-ready libraries can be prepared using a streamlined workflow in just 3 hours.
Kit Contents: Multiplex PCR Primers and PCR Reagents, & CleanPlex Targeted NGS Library Preparation Kit with CleanPlex purification reagents
Additional Products which can be ordered separately:
CleanMag® Magnetic Beads – for library purification and size selection
CleanPlex® Dual-Indexed PCR Primers – for multiplexing up to 192 samples per sequencing run
CleanPlex® Single-Indexed PCR Primers for Ion Torrent