Liquid Biopsy

Liquid Biopsy refers to the molecular analysis in biological fluids such as plasma, serum, and urine, of nucleic acids (cell-free DNA and RNA), subcellular structures -especially exosomes- , and, in the context of cancer, circulating tumor cells.

Liquid Biopsy is a true gamechanger, as it enables non-invasive and early onset biomarker detection. As blood is highly unstable and the analytes are present at very low levels in blood and other body fluids, special sample collection as well as isolation and enrichment technologies are required. Nucleus Biotech offers an extensive portfolio of solutions for high sensitivity analysis of cf-DNA, cf-RNA, extracellular vesicles and circulating tumor cells:

HemaSure-OMICS tubes for blood collection and preservation of analytes at room temperatures

ExoGAG precipitation solution for specifically purifying exosomes and other extracellular vesicles from plasma, serum, and urine

Magnetic Beads for separating cf-DNA from high molecular genomic DNA

Magnetic Beads for purifying small RNAs

BioLiqX cf-RNA Isolation Kit for plasma and serum

BioLiqX Low Input Small RNA-Seq Kit, ideal for cf-RNA and exosomal RNA NGS

BioDynami cf-DNA NGS Library Prep Kit

Paragon Genomics CleanPlex NGS Amplicon Panels for high sensitivity detection of cancer mutations in cf-DNA and cf-RNA by NGS

Celemics Hyb Capture Panels for high sensitivity detection of cancer mutations in cf-DNA and cf-RNA by NGS

Celemics Hyb Capture Panels for extremely sensitive mutation detection in ctDNA by NGS for breast cancer, colorectal cancer. and lung cancer