
Lentiviral Packaging Service (5-7 x 10^8 TU, 10^8/ml PBS) Pooled Cellecta Library


Quantity: 5-7 x 10^8 TU

    Please contact us for a quotation



    Save yourself the work of packaging your pooled lentiviral sgRNA, shRNA or barcode libraries. Obtain highest quality ready-to-transduce, pre-packaged, VSV-g pseudotyped lentiviral particles:

    • Functional titering that reflects the real amount of transducible virus (not just viral protein)
    • Lentifuge concentration reagent precipation for providing a highly concentrated titer (about 1 x 10^8 TU/ml) and minimizing cellular contaminates in viral preps
    • Delivery of highly purified concentrated particles in PBS

    Get highest quality ready-to-transduce lentiviral particles that you can use to immediately start your experiments.

    Shipping Conditions: Dry Ice
    Storage Temperature: -80C